We all have a different part to play in the revolution
And how do we maintain a semblance of sanity with all that is going on?
We all have a different part to play in the revolution, we are in the beginning stages of a massive shift for humanity. If you are reading this you are also part of the revolution. The word ‘revolution’ may seem dramatic and I think it fits well for the times we are in, there is a HUGE and growing resistance to power-over structures, institutions and ways of being. At the same time, there is a huge demonstration of violent power-over action in what is being allowed to happen in Palestine to the people who are trapped there. I am praying for this to end. I wanted to share a bit about how we are all connected, how our individual trauma healing is important in this, why what we focus on is really important and how I hold onto my sanity when it feels a bit ‘end of days’.
I offer this to you as a fellow human traveller.