My feet felt sore as I walked, I felt almost a bit unsteady. I noticed lower back pain when I got back and it felt like I was getting shin splints.
‘What is going on?’ I said out loud to myself (after feeling like this on my walks for at least a month).
I looked down at my trainers. And then I looked at the (two) new pairs of trainers I have bought for each of my daughters this year. I looked back at my trainers and realised I have had them for nearly 4 years. In March 2020 we went as a family to a department store before the first lockdown took effect and I bought those trainers.
They walked me through the nature reserve that I discovered near us in 2020. The nature reserve that preserved my sanity in 2020 and 2021.
They have walked me on every walk I have been on for in the last 4 years. And WOW have I pounded the streets, the nature reserve, the park and the pavement. My trainers have worked hard on those many walks.