We all have different aspects of self - different parts or self states - and when we have experienced childhood trauma we are (generally) more fragmented in terms of the cohesion between our self states. This is nothing to be ashamed or scared of, I view this fracturing as a way we have survived. This strategy has ensured we are actually here, ALIVE, on the planet today. Compartmentalising under stress and keeping things separate in our psyche is a normal reaction to ongoing stress and I believe all humans do this to a certain extent AND we do this more (splitting and dissociation) if we have needed to block out more. And with childhood trauma we have needed to block out more. Trauma occurs when something overwhelms our resources and our ability to cope and we feel powerless, hopeless and alone. Essentially, our inner child (or children) holds our old pain and so when our child state dominates it can feel excruciating to actually inhabit our body.
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